SAL-FIN: The alternative solution of litigations

SAL-Fin: The Entity for the alternative solution of litigation in the non-banking financial area

In view of solving the possible disputes with BNPP Cardif Romania as the Insurer, the Consumers have the right to appeal to SAL-Fin – the Entity for the alternative solution of litigation in the non-banking financial area.
SAL-Fin is a structure created within the Financial Supervision Authority with the purpose of providing the Consumers with a mechanism of alternative solution of litigation in the non-banking financial area, in compliance with the provisions of the F.S.A. Regulation no. 4/2016 regarding the organisation and functioning of the Entity for the alternative solution of litigation in the non-banking financial area (SAL-FIN) and of the G.O. no. 38/2015 regarding the alternative solution of litigation between the consumers and traders.
The procedures for the alternative solution of litigation are optional, voluntary, separated from the procedures in courts and free of charge. The expenses for expertise, translation of documents and other additional evidence necessary for the solution of the litigation are incurred by the party who requires themIn order to access the procedures for the alternative solution of litigation, the consumers should appeal to SAL-FIN in writing, directly at the headoffice of SAL-FIN, by mail or electronic communication means. The Consumers can access the procedures for the alternative solution of litigation only if they can prove that they have first tried to solve the dispute directly with the Insurer.
Complete information about the alternative solution of litigation can be obtained at the internet address: